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Q&A with Dionne Crowe

Your name: 
Dionne Crowe
Your Instagram handle:
 Where in the world do you live?
Nottingham, but I’m from Durham
What would make a perfect day for you?
Wake up, go to the gym, go for a yummy breakfast and a walk with a coffee in the sun. I love chilled days wearing no makeup. 
What would you tell your younger self?
Don’t care so much what people think, people will always have something to say and always have an opinion of you but you just do you!  
What is your most treasured memory?
I moved to America with my boyfriend for 6 months as he lived out there when we met. We spent that time working, travelling etc and I loved every second of it.  
What does your work mean to you?
It means everything to me — I love what I do, I feel so grateful and thankful every day to do what I do. I get to meet so many amazing people and talk to all of you daily — I love it!  
What’s a typical day in your life?
I wake up at around 6:30 most days (not every day, but most!) and go to the gym with my boyfriend. I then come home shower and get ready for the day and from there every day can be different — whether it be shooting content, or filming videos, or travelling to events or shoots or a admin day in my comfy's. No day is the same and that’s what I love about my job. 
What is your favourite thing about your career?
The freedom I have to schedule my own life, and the people I get to meet and interact with.  
When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
This is so funny, when my mam used to ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I used to say “A princess and a big sister”. LOL.  
What is your favourite book to read?
The Secret. My absolute favourite. 
What’s your favourite thing to bake?
Banana bread — makes your whole house smell amazing too!  
What do you listen to the most?
Podcasts, I love ‘Manifestation Babe’, and I love R&B music. 
What music makes you feel the most energised and happy?
Getting up early and smashing the day.  
If you could eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Fajitas!  
Have you ever had a nickname? What was it?
Everyone calls me D! Short and sweet.  
Do you have a motto? What is it?
“Everything happens for a reason, what’s meant to be will be”  
What do you value most in a friendship?
Loyalty and Love.  
What’s your favourite trend for 2020?
Chunky boots. Looks amazing with shorts and skirts but also leather leggings. So versatile! 
What are you going to be wearing this summer?
Bikinis, mom denim shorts, AYM crop tops! My favourite for basic tops!  
Any words of wisdom for your audience?
JUST GO FOR IT! Don’t let anyone or anything hold you back! 

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